Here we go again...
During the past few weeks I just totally lost my motivation to do anything in the new house. I needed a break from the dirt, the paint and the tiles. I worked on my knitting projects, trained for the 5 km city-run (coming up in october), managed to read the new Dan Brown book and Karin Slaughter books and worked a lot of hours in the hospital.
In the meantime BF was almost obsessively going on with the tileing the bathroom. The last room that really needs to be finished before we can move in. Yesterday we've finished the last bits (above) together. Now there is one tiny spot left to correct, which is becoming my obsession as he doesn't want to touch any tiles anymore. Now that I have a few days off I can do what I want!
As for the blog:
I already prepared a few posts on 1940's war-time knitting, with a fun little project which is also perfect for beginners! In the meantime I'm working on my first 1940's sweater (or jumper) making a lot of pics and making notes on every trick and change along the way! I'm planning to post them separately, as the most of it can be used for knitting any vintage pattern.

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